Our Menopause Resource Library

Why do we need a Menopause Resource Library?

Each booked webinar or training session receives complimentary/FREE access to our resource library with over 500 guides to support andropause, peri and menopause individuals understand the symptoms and the journey they will travel.

Our extensive menopause resource library holds the latest research, ensures good practice awareness approaches to help make the menopause transition easier for employees and line managers. Read More

We have factsheets for a shorter read that cover the basics, and e-books for a deeper dive into the issues of menopause/ andropause and peri-menopause. Don’t forget our full range of FAQ’s covering what you can expect from your GP and from your ongoing medical treatment.

This resource library has been developed as part of our commitment to providing an all-inclusive and supportive environment for all employees who are female, non-binary, or transgender within a business recognising that Menopause should not be treated as a taboo subject. 

While it’s true that each individual will experience the transition through the menopause differently – and that not everyone will experience severe symptoms – there are general good practice approaches that can help to make that transition and journey through menopause easier. Read More

It’s understandable that not everyone will feel comfortable having these sorts of discussions within a workplace context (such as with their line manager), so it’s important that employees know that they can review documentation, guidance and advice to develop their confidence and knowledge so they can navigate their own path through this sensitive and very difficult chapter of their lives.

This resource library content has been produced in accordance with the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines – at the same time, the general guidance in this resource library should be interpreted alongside available information (including medical advice) that relates to an individual’s particular circumstances.

Let us help your business retain skilled and experienced female talent.

Our professional menopause at work menopause resource library includes over 500+ documents covering:

  1. Andropause – the male menopause
  2. British Menopause society BMS factsheets
  3. Case law
  4. Case studies
  5. Checklists – menopause
  6. Ebooks – menopause
  7. Equality and menopause
  8. Factsheets & Guides
  9. FAQ – Frequently asked questions
  10. GP – Visiting your GP factsheets
  11. Handbooks – menopause
  12. How to support people on the menopause
  13. HR and menopause
  14. HRT – Hormone Replacement Therapy
  15. LBGTQIA+ menopause
  16. Legal Responsibilities & Menopause
  17. Line manager handbooks – menopause
  18. Menopause Books
  19. Menopause statistics
  20. Peri-menopause
  21. Policy – menopause
  22. Posters – Menopause
  23. Quiz – Menopause
  24. Risk Assessments – Menopause
  25. Statistics – menopause
  26. Surveys – Menopause
  27. Symptoms – menopause
  28. Top Tips and Hints – menopause
  29. Trade Unions and Menopause
  30. Training courses – menopause
  31. Videos – Menopause
  32. World Menopause Day
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