
We help companies minimise employee risk and by providing menopause training and raising awareness, so employees, business owners and managers will have the confidence to discuss issues relating to the menopause and the practical adjustments which can be made so that your employees can continue to work effectively. 

Why is menopause a workplace issue?

CIPD – Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development
Nuffield Health Group
2020 Wellbeing of Women survey

Around 1 in 100 women experience the menopause by the age of 40.

Perimenopause symptoms will last for four years on average, occurring during the 40’s for most women, but some will notice changes in their mid-30s.

51 years of age is the average age menopause starts in the United Kingdom

According to The Faculty of Occupational Medicine, almost 80% of menopausal women are currently in work.

62% of women have stated menopause symptoms have impacted their work

33% don’t want to talk about their symptoms.

43% of women, binary and transgender employees are too embarrassed to ask for employer support.

64% of menopausal employees agree there should be more workplace support.

We want to make your organisation positive about Menopause, Peri-menopause and Andropause

Recognised Positive About Menopause (PAM) accreditation and ‘employer of choice status’

Menopause at work training for Business Owners, HR professionals, Directors and Line Managers

Menopause at work training for colleagues of all levels - male and female

A new 2022 survey from Acas has found that a third of employers (33%) do not feel well equipped to support women going through the menopause.

50% of women aged 45-65 who have experienced the menopause in the past 10 years, had not consulted a healthcare professional about their menopause symptoms.

British Menopause Society (BMS), revealed that one in two women aged 45-65 had gone through the menopause within the past ten years without consulting a healthcare professional.

British Medical Society in 2022 surveyed women and reported on average seven different symptoms and 42% saying their symptoms were worse or much worse than expected

British Medical Society survey stated 50% of women said their menopause symptoms had impacted their home life.

British Medical Society survey stated 22% unexpected sleeping problems/ insomnia

British Medical Society survey stated 20% difficulty with memory/ concentration

British Medical Society survey stated 18% experienced unexpected achy joints

British Medical Society survey stated 79% of women surveyed experienced hot flushes

British Medical Society survey stated 70% experienced night sweats

Almost three quarters (72%) of businesses do not have a menopause policy

Only 18% of organisations say they provide information about the menopause to their employee

Almost two thirds (64%) of businesses say they do not consider menopause during performance reviews for female staff.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, people are reassessing what they want out of work and life. It’s been reported that up to 40% of employees are looking to move jobs in 2022 if they don’t feel valued, engaged, and properly rewarded.

Menopause – an age and gender issue 70% of women who took time off due to menopausal symptoms didn’t tell their employer the real reason for their absence.

The Need for a Menopause Policy Menopausal women are the fastest-growing demographic in the workplace, with around eight-out-of-10 menopausal women in work, according to the Local Government Association’s menopause fact file.

YouGov report reveals that 72% of businesses don’t have a menopause policy in place.

Menopause cases in court have risen 400% since 2018

lack of knowledge in the medical profession, with 41% of medical schools not having menopause on the curriculum.

54% of large businesses and 82% of small businesses don’t have a menopause policy in place

It’s been reported that 73% of menopausal women don’t feel able to openly discuss their symptoms at work.

More than one million women feeling pressured to quit their jobs in last 5 years as a direct result of menopause

A survey undertaken by the not-for-profit company Newson Health Research and Education of 3,800 UK women found that 99% stated that menopause had a negative impact on their career.

59% have taken time off as a result of this, with 18% having taken more than eight weeks off.

12% of menopausal employees have resigned , 18.6% who have reduced their hours and 21% who did not go for a promotion because of their undiagnosed or untreated menopause symptoms – source: Balance

Research with YouGov, 88% of small businesses and 62% of large businesses don't train their line managers about the menopause Source: Balance

One-in-four women have thought about leaving their jobs due to menopause symptoms.

69% reported suffering from anxiety or depression - House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee’s ‘menopause and the workplace’ survey

70% reported increased stress - House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee’s ‘menopause and the workplace’ survey

67% reported feeling a loss of confidence - House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee’s ‘menopause and the workplace’ survey

House of Commons Women and 92% of people reported that these symptoms affected them at work - Equalities Committee’s ‘menopause and the workplace’ survey

13% of women said they were subjected to disciplinary procedures due to their symptoms.

58% or women said they experienced more stress and anxiety.

65% of women said they were less able to concentrate in the workplace

30% of women had taken sick leave because of their symptoms, but only a quarter of them felt able to tell their manager the real reason for their absence.

25% of women will have hot flushes ushes which adversely affect their perceived quality of personal and working lives

75%-80% of women, trans or binary of menopausal age are in work

1 in 4 women will experience severe debilitating symptoms

9 out of 10 women, trans or binary say they feel unable to talk to managers at work

4 out of 10 women do not seek medical advice even though their Menopause symptoms are worse than they expected.

4 out of 10 women do not seek medical advice even though their Menopause symptoms are worse than they expected.

1-in-5 women, trans or binary take time off to deal with menopausal symptoms

1-in-50 women, trans or binary are on long term sick leave

3.5 million, women, trans, binary aged 50 and over in employment, a 72 per cent rise since 1994.

Over 60% of women trans and binary experience symptoms resulting in behaviour changes due to menopause

Symptoms of the menopause usually last between 4 and 8 years but can last 12 years

10% of women, trans and binary actually do leave their employment

70% of women, trans, binary do not discuss their symptoms with their employer

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