Menopause Training Programmes

Why is menopause training programmes important for your organisation? and how we can help you..!

We deliver dynamic, specialist menopause in the workplace training sessions, via online workshops and on site. Let us help your business retain skilled and experienced female talent.

Designed by solicitors, managing consultants and HR professionals our training courses are ready-made, tailored or bespoke for each client dependent on their needs. We offer menopause at work training, the UK’s largest Resource library with over 500 useful andropause, peri and menopause documents and so much more.!

Up to a third of women will experience severe menopausal symptoms that can impact on their quality of life. It is in the work context that employees often report greater difficulty managing symptoms and can feel embarrassed and unable to disclose their menopausal status for fear of being stigmatised.

Our menopause training workshops can be delivered in a variety of ways including comprehensive full day events, sessions targeted to specific staff groups, team coaching and one to one.

With evidence-based information backed up by real-life scenarios, the sessions give a clear understanding of the importance of supporting menopause at work, while quizzes, case reviews, advice, facts, and risk minimisation guidance.

With this in mind, it’s incumbent upon HR teams and employers to provide the necessary support and to create an environment where people feel able to speak openly about menopause at work.

Our informative and bespoke session(s) typically range from 1 hour to ½  day workshops and cover a broad range of menopause related topics hosted by our Principal Consultant – Donna Merrick  – the sessions cover:

Your sessions will include any of the following dependent on the session required, in some instances multiple sessions may be required.

  1. What the menopause is and overview of the various stages of menopause.
  2. Common symptoms and how it might impact women (and trans and non-binary people) at work
  3. How to support employees going through the menopause
  4. Employers’ obligations and the legal risks to be aware of when managing menopausal employees
  5. The role that line managers and workplace culture can play in supporting staff.
  6. Understand what the menopause is and how it can affect women’s lives
  7. Key facts to help understand and recognise the menopause and its symptoms.
  8. Outline why it is important to raise awareness of the menopause in the workplace
  9. The range of menopause symptoms and how they may impact performance at work.
  10. Information to explain the impact of menopause on an organisation
  11. Identify ways to support women at work who go through the menopause
  12. Practical and effective solutions to help support and manage menopause at work.
  13. Recognise why it’s important to talk about menopause at work and provide support.
  14. Offer appropriate ‘reasonable adjustments’ and support, bearing in mind that not all women experience menopause differently.
  15. Feel confident to talk about it and take action – whether that’s asking for support or providing it to those who need it.
  16. Create accessible, well-publicised policy or guidance documents for colleagues and line managers.
  17. Menopause treatment options.
  18. How lifestyle and environment has an impact on women experiencing menopause.
  19. Self-help strategies women can implement to improve menopause symptoms.
  20. Reasonable adjustments organisations can make to support their staff.
  21. How to have a conversation around menopause, as an employee or as a line manager.
  22. Creating a menopause-friendly workplace
  23. What menopause is and how it could affect someone at work
  24. An employer’s legal duty and legal risks to avoid
  25. Statistical and Case studies Review
  26. How to implement effective policies and practices
  27. LBGQT + trans, binary employees effected by menopause
  28. An overview of the ‘male menopause’ (Andropause)

Our Menopause Workshops & Webinars are tailored to a specific audience, whether that be women struggling to manage the symptoms of their menopause, their line managers, male colleagues or a mixture of everyone. 

Each face-to-face workshop, or virtual and non-virtual, will typically include a comprehensive awareness sessions, a question and answer session, and time for open discussions and to offer guidance and advice. The awareness sessions can range from 1 hour to ½ day sessions supported by the UK’s most extensive menopause resource library of information.

Raising awareness about the menopause throughout your organisation will sufficiently equip owner led businesses, line managers, directors & HR specialists with the necessary facts, guidance and information to help them effectively manage the menopause in the workplace. 


The main aim of our awareness sessions is to equip attendees with non-biased, evidence-based facts on andropause, peri and menopause, giving attendees the confidence to start a menopause conversation at work and/or with their GP’s and have the tools and knowledge to explore practical solutions to develop themselves or their colleagues.

Our Awareness sessions can also form part of Equality and Diversity and Inclusion (DEI) strategy, be that as part of a well-being programme, through Occupational Health, or as an aspect of general line manager and leadership development.

Our workshops cover


The importance of providing a safe place for women to discuss menopause at work should not be underestimated. Feedback from our women-only workshops shows that attendees leave feeling they are no longer alone, and are armed with sufficient confidence, knowledge and understanding about the menopause to help them better manage their own, and their colleagues, menopause journey in the workplace.

Being given the time and space to openly discuss menopause with other women undoubtedly helps female employees realise that their organisation is serious about supporting their health and mental wellbeing, with many organisations also choosing to have senior level attendance and/or endorsement of the events.


Many men are also significantly affected by the menopause, whether through personal experience with a female partner or through difficulties within the workplace as a line manager. Both personal relationships and those within the workplace can suffer and have a detrimental impact on men.

Feedback from male employees who have attended our workshops has shown that many men fully appreciate being given the opportunity to learn the facts about the menopause and how symptoms can seriously affect their female partners and colleagues. Many men have expressed relief at finally understanding this period of transition in a woman’s life and being able to offer appropriate support.


Despite a huge social movement to remove the taboo around menopause, the subject is often still not recognised as being something that needs to be managed in the workplace.

Our Line Manager Workshops seek to address this by focusing on the manager’s role by considering:

  • How employee legislation should impact on decision-making
  • The provision of practical tools and solutions
  • ‘Reasonable Adjustments’ in the workplace
  • How to practice inclusive management through leadership
  • Creating the right menopausal culture and environment
  • How to approach conversations about the menopause

It is acutely clear that if women are encouraged to be open about their menopause, then it is equally as important that they receive appropriate responses and support from their managers.

Who Could Benefit from This Menopause Awareness Training courses?

There are a number of people who would benefit from attending an ‘awareness of the menopause at work’ training session. These include:

  • Line managers, whose direct reports include or will include women who go through the menopause.
  • HR departments, to better understand how they can adjust the organization’s policy to include the menopause.
  • Directors and line managers, to understand how issues to do with the menopause in the workplace can impact on the organisation’s policies, ethics, and general direction.
  • Employees and team members who are or will be going through the menopause to become aware of where they can get support.

The training materials encourage discussions on why it is important to support women at work who go through the menopause, why we need to address the stigma surrounding it and what organisations can do to support their employees.



Get in touch and we’ll send you a brochure on the specific training course you require, outlining full details of what we cover for our training sessions for your teams. Leave your contact number and we can arrange a call to discuss how we can make our menopause training tailored to your organisation.

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